Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ready...Set...Don't Go

Another misleading I won't be talking about Billy Ray Cyrus and his new "hit" song...but rather driving, or in my case, the lack thereof.
To begin, I would like to share my driving history. It began at a young age of 5 or so, where my Dad would let me steer the car, while he stepped on the gas pedals. Then, it progressed to Go-Karts, where my driving abilities were first exposed. You could say I was one of the reasons they have tires surrounding all the tracks. A few years passed and I was driving a normal sized car down dirt my grandma's to be exact. Unfortunately, those roads weren't surrounded with old tires. Let's just say a few cars have been left with the wonderful mark of me on them. Not to mention almost running into my grandma's house, which was definately not protected by tires. As the years pressed on, my driving didn't increase much with it. By the time I was 15, I could get my permit, but I didn't. I waited until I was 16 1/2 to get it. Don't ask why. Although, I only missed one question on the driving test, so that's got to stand for something! Could it be that while driving with my permit, I cut off someone and got flipped off for the first time in my life, which then resulted in me almost running over some skateboarders because I became so frazzled. Or was it because when I was driving to Idaho with my Dad, I almost steered the car under a semi carrying all those new cars? Well it took me a little less than 2 years to get my license. Again, dont ask why. I got it when I was 18 1/2, but I did "perfect" on the driving test. Since then, I'm proud to say I've only been flipped off once. Although, while texting I did run off the road. A valuable lesson, I learned I can not multi-task when driving.
I technically own two cars; a Cadillac and a Dodge Intrepid. The Cadillac was supposed to work, but after about 20 minutes from buying it, it overheated and still has not been fixed. The Dodge Intrepid was bought off eBay, yes eBay, and came with a broken engine. A new engine has been bought, all that needs to be done is installing it. So until then, my driving will remain as is. So why do I not get behind the wheel? Could it be that I'm horrible at making decisions under pressure, which basically is what driving is. Perhaps. But I'm gonna stick to saying it's the lack of transportation, rather than the lack of courage. Obviously courage is not my creede.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


For today, no topic was picked, but rather this one found us. It came at me like a ton of bricks, well if bricks look like the yahoo instant messanger smiley face. I was signing in to my messanger and right below that loveable little smile it read, "invisible to everyone." Interesting how such a happy face is above such a gloom phrase. Anyways, it got me thinking as I was signing in as "invisible" people sign into life as invisible? Do they choose not to be seen or does it happen because people are ignorant of others?
I know I have been considered pretty "invisible" at times in my life, but only due to my shy nature. So did I pick to be shy. Did I decide for some insane reason that THAT would be fun?! Just makes ya think.

P.S. when this topic found me...I thought it could be funny! Alas, blame it on fate, not me. I swear Im funny!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You're no Harvey're just two-faced!

In Kindergarten, we learned that every person has one face, two eyes, two ears, one mouth, and one nose. So why are there so many two-faced people walking around? Did they skip class that day or what?! We all know what I am talking about. Those people who say one thing to your face, and do something totally contrary behind your back. The people who act a certain way with you and totally different with everyone else.

I think the cause of it is a lack of personality. They don't know who they are, what they are, and how to act with really anyone. I know several people like this. And you never know how to be around them, since they themselves don't know how to be around you. I usually end up being myself, and they try to do the same...they have nothing else to go off of.
I mean, we all are different with others to a certain extent, but these two-facers take it to a whole new level. It's almost as if they have multiple personality disorder. I guess even I could be considered one, what with my different hair colors and all. ;)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Food - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Well today's topic is food. I'm not too sure what I should say about it, which is odd considering my obvious love for it. Hmm...well there's a lot of food out there. Some of it tastes good, most of it bad. I've come to discover over my 19 years of living, that I like cheap food. By cheap food, I mean bagels, cheese sticks, jello, food off the dollar menu at Wendy's, McDonalds, etc. I can't stand it when we go to nice restuarants, I never like anything on it; thus, my default of chicken anything. Preferably chicken fingers. Also, through these 19 years of existence, I've realized I'm a picky eater. Of course, I never realized that until I moved up here to Idaho. Another reason to dislike this potato state with a passion!!

Alright, well enough of me rambling on about my food experiences. What I want to use this blog for today is to bring up the way society views food. Yes, I am an ex-sociology major so I know a bit or two about society and it's effect on us humans. Not to mention that I took a class once in high school! So, food is one of the only things in life we can depend on without fear. Some form of food will always be there for us until the bitter end. With such a dependable friend, why are we not allowed to call upon them whenever WE as an individual want. Why? Well I'll tell you...society is unaccepting of fat people. Now don't get me wrong, I don't encourage eatting to the point where you can't get out of your bed without the help of 3 body builders, two crow bars, and encouraging words from Richard Simmons and our fav oldies tunes. But, I do think we should be accepted by others no matter what we look like. It's people's criticizing viewpoints that they feel the need to share that cause diseases such as anoxeria, manorexia, and bulhemia.

Food is delicious and one of the only things we can indulge in. We don't need society taking one of the only things we can enjoy.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chain of Memories

After months of trying to decide what to do in life, I've decided I want to be a writer, thanks to the help of my trusty little blog. I'd just like to add it's yet to let me down. In order to improve my somewhat adequate writing skills, Brittany and I have decided to write on a certain topic every day. Practice makes perfect, right? So we brainstormed a bunch of topics, assigned them numbers, and put them all in a hat. Number 17 was drawn out: Memories.

Now I'm sure most of you have been thinking, is she going to write about that new Kingdom Hearts game for Playstation 2? Alas, it was a cool title and I'm strictly using it for the cool factor; my blog has absolutely nothing to do with Sora, Donald, and Goofy fighting off the evils of the world with the help of other loved Disney characters along the way. I fear I am speaking too much of Kingdom Hearts, and nothing about memories. It happens to the best of us when furry little creatures are involved.

Ok, so memories. We all have them, some of us remember them, some of us are not as fortunate. I heard from my Papa once that if you starve yourself, one of the first things to go are your memories. That shot fear into my heart immediately! I ate two cheeseburgers, a large fries, frosty, and a Code Red on ice, crushed ice, just to make sure all my memories would remain intact. So, if your considering starving yourself, I recommend writing all of your memories in a journal before you do so. Let's be smart about this people, well as smart as you can be when you're considering to cease eatting.

Memories have always drawn my interest. To put an image to my words, think of me as a cat, preferrably a yellow one similar to the looks of Cheeto and memories as a ball of yarn, blue, stringing me along from day to day. The frays in the yarn are the forgotten memories. Man I'm good at this metaphor stuff. That brings up a weird do you know you have forgotten memories? You become unaware of their will never know that you lost a memory unless some jack-n-ape asks, "Remember when....?" Which results in, "No. Thanks for that...really wanted to know my brain's slowly detoirating my memories." Those experiences usually end in me eatting more food, just in case that's the cause of these missing memories. Then once you know that memory is forever gone, a cold empty feeling, lets call it an ice cream cone replaces where your memory once was and the knowledge of it's disappearance rests on your shoulders forever. No matter what, you will never get that memory back from your viewpoint.

Well hate to leave on such a happy note, but duty calls! By duty I mean my stomach is grumbling similar to that of a beast and I don't want to take any chances on losing another memory. Thanks for that Dad, when I'm a 237 pound walrus full of memories, we will all know who to blame!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just The Three of Us

Just the Three of Us

Once upon a time in a land far far away, in the tallest room in the tallest tower, with the tallest bed and the most miraculous shower, there lived three maidens: Nicole, Brittany and Jessie. They were all connected through royal bloodline….but more than that there was a magical connection (similar to that of the Charmed ones). Their story begins two days ago when a certain someone refused to stop at a Brewery where incidentally Jessie’s true love Captain Jack Daniel resided. Jessie, being the youngest and most carefree, felt a peculiar draw to the Brewery. The place being of ill repute, however, she was forbidden to enter by Nicole-- Not that she didn’t make several attempts. To her dismay, she was thrice thwarted by a speckled ogre (wearing spectacles) who stood at the entrance. The immense odor of the ogre could thwart anyone on its own, but she persisted anyway…. Love conquers all… even a foul stench, which put her in a pinch.After being diverted from the brewery they agreed to visit Club 7 instead… it was, after all, the common place for romantic connections, well known for its crowd of single folk. Common talk in the town was that the mighty Prince Black, dragon slayer and hero, was searching for that which he had not yet found. He was a man unfamiliar with love, but love waited for him in this small club. The music was loud, there was a haze of smoke in the air, and the lighting was only so so, but the blare of a sudden horn pierced the hall drawing the attention of all the folk as Prince Black entered. Brittany, draped in diamonds and adorned in heels and a mini skirt, of course caught the attention of the mighty prince. The beer he was drinking spewed out of his mouth leaving him and those nearby drenched; he, however, didn’t notice as he was currently flabber-gasted , breathless, and awe-struck by her beauty. Their eyes locked and for a moment it seemed as though they were the only two in the room. Luckily he didn’t notice the piece of lettuce drop from the corner of Brittany’s mouth. Jessie, seeing the opportune moment, snatched a mug and took her leave, only to find that the relief she expected at the exit was nowhere to be found. The snide bartender poured another draught of ale and sneered as she said, “There’s no relief to be found here lady, only the centaur knows the secrets of the old ways.” Jessie dejectedly turned her back on the exit in search of this horse-man. Fate smiled on her this night as the sound of hooves clicking on the pavement caught her ear. "Daniel?" She peeked through the blinds looking past the drunken gypsies swaying in the street to find the hairiest man she’d ever seen with four legs and yes, in fact, it was Daniel. She quickly swiped a plate from a nearby table, thinking that this man could stand to miss a meal. She snuck out the back and approached the hairy centaur extending the plate as an offering of friendship. Her arm quivered as he stared at the plate thinking, "are you kidding me?" she said, "I brought steak, your favorite right?" To which he replied, "Oh is there steak somewhere beneath that mountain of broccoli?" Jessie smiled a sad smile and began to tell him of her woes. After re-telling her troubles to the creature, he did as he always did. He accepted her half-baked offering and because yes, he is her brother, he assented to lead her to the secret tunnel connecting Club 7 to the Brewery… which incidentally bypasses the block of the odorous ogre. As Jessie entered the brewery, a nostalgic feeling she often associates with the 90s came over her triggered by the familiar voice of the man waiting behind her. She turned around to find him, Captain Jack Daniel standing in all his glory…. Butt naked, drunk as a skunk, singing old love ballads. The doors to the brewery burst open as Nicole stepped in swinging her mighty sword clearing the path to Jessie and the naked man. She confronted a startled Jessie explaining that a never-nude and an ever-nude can never be together, ever. Nicole dragged a confused looking Jessie from the Brewery out into the snowy streets, as Jessie broke out into song, “It’s my life, and it’s now or never, I ain’t gonna live forever… I just wanna live while I’m alive…. Cause it’s my life!” Nicole exclaimed, “But he’s naked!” to which Jessie returned saying, “Naked like a mole rat… yes, but naked like a newborn babe, eh… hardly.” Jessie was blind to the nakedness of the man seeing only the fabric of his heart. Nicole, needing some time to think, sauntered along the path following Snake River up to the glorious white castle. She came across many feathered friends to which she enquired, “Why have you not flown south for the winter?” The geese animatedly responded, “The air is full in the south and we had no choice but to return.” Nicole, bothered by this news thought on the implications-- birds must outnumber people in the south. Fearing the over-throw of the human race she sought out protection in the form of a mighty bird hunter who, unbeknownst to her, would save her from more than just a bird attack. Nicole’s mind was uneasy: Jessie and the ever-nude, Brittany and the dragon slayer, birds taking over the south! Lost in thought soon became just flat out lost. Everything looked familiar and yet no direction was clear, she paused at the local watering hole and the croaking toad’s enchantment lifted her disorientation with a magical ring. As she placed the ring upon her finger a mighty bird hunter’s call preceded a timely rescue from the boggy wasteland. Two jaguar attacks, a fierce elephant confrontation and a close call with a crow later and Nicole knew that this bird boy was her boy. The mighty hunter had saved her and in doing so had also won her heart. As the full moon approached the center of the sky, and the mighty hunter slept under the luminescent glow, Nicole found herself shimmered to a place from the past, and as the past would have it, evil Marie appeared. “I’ve got you my pretty…” she snickered, Nicole looked at her skeptically and she continued, “… and I’ve been watching you tube: Jessie and the ever-nude, Brittany and that dude and then there’s of course you.” She explained that she had spent her days and her nights among company of the leering vulture and the swooping hawk; her heart became the size of a bird’s and the empty space became filled with jealousy and the need for company in her new found misery. Nicole, gentle of heart, and eager to prove love true presented a wager: “Arrange a room in the tallest tower, with the tallest bed and the most miraculous shower surrounded by the fool’s labyrinth for Brittany, Jessie and me. With the love of the three we will be set free.” Evil Marie agreed to this proposition knowing that only fools can fall in love and the fool’s labyrinth will surely prevent all three from ever reaching the tower. If all three men never arrive all three women will remain there, dead or alive. And so at the stroke of midnight, the three girls were shimmered into the tallest room of the tallest tower. The mighty hunter awoke suddenly in a sweat only to find his newfound love missing. Prince Black found himself in a similar predicament, only less sweat, as with the stroke of midnight Brittany vanished from his arms with a shimmer. Leaving behind only a small trace of lettuce. Jessie too found her activities for the night disrupted, as Nicole busied herself with preparations for a bird invasion, Jessie grabbed her chalk and hop-scotched her way to a bubbling brook but this was no ordinary brook that bubbles for it contained the elixir of youth, which Jessie would have known had she read the sign blatantly posted above it. Jessie found herself envisioning a life as an ever-nude – the freedom and invigoration without the restraint of clothes that were not only keeping her from jumping into the refreshing brook, but also forbidding her heart from its one true wish. Jessie began experimenting, taking one sock off and then another. Before she reached the point of true nude witching hour began and she was shimmered away with Brittany and Nicole to the daunting tower. Surprised and unsure of where they were, Jessie and Brittany turned to Nicole who seemed to them to be surprisingly unsurprised. She recounted the encounter with Evil Marie and explained the deal. Accepting their fate, they began to investigate. In a matter of seconds a high pitched squeal tore through the room; Nicole looking for the body or the blood that surely must accompany such a pain-stricken cry, found only two faces emanating disappointment, grief and betrayal. Nicole wondered aloud, “What’s your deal?” Unable to form words, they merely pointed in the direction of the wash room. Nicole immediately understood the erroneous mistake which had been made. The most vital element of the agreement was that there be a shower, a most marvelous shower, which everyone knows includes the basics of a waterfall, rock tiling and beautiful glass, encasing enough of the surrounding area to lose one’s self in the showering experience. This was no such shower!! In its place was the worst monstrosity, the killer of dreams, the leach of happiness… a TUB! Brittany’s eyes filled with tears and Jessie began parading around the room making demands that it be fixed now! "Wait, are you naked?" Brittany asked pointedly to Jessie, quite belatedly considering she had been since the time of her arrival. Nicole and Brittany took a small moment to point and laugh until the seriousness of the situation again fell upon them. It became clear that Evil Marie must be summoned but no one wanted any part in that business. There was squawking, whaling and gnashing of teeth. Jessie claimed to want said shower more than anything, yet was unwilling to pay the price. They all knew it had to be done, but none wanted to deal with Evil Marie. It even lowered into the depths of a bargain in which Jessie would summon Marie, as long as she could enter once more into the brewery. But as expected, once called on her word she backed out. Would anyone brave the elements of the evil Marie for the chance to once more enter into that beautiful, majestic, godly shower? Yes, but not yet. More foot stomping, hair pulling, cat calling and crying took place before the deed was done. The window of opportunity was closing. Someone needed to act fast but Nicole, feeling drowsy from the shimmer, collapsed on the bed, taking with her the possibility of ever seeing that shower with her into the wrinkles of the sheet. Everyone knows you can't exchange a bath when the sheets are wrinkled. Jessie took action, she stomped over to the bed and attempted to verbally abuse Nicole hoping she would get off the bed and summon Marie already. Instead, Nicole went to the window where she, trying to put a positive spin on the situation, said, "What a nice view we have, it's a perfect shot of the white castle." Enraged, Brittany and Jessie began a verbal spar which accomplished nothing save high tempers and elated blood pressure. Finally, Brittany overcome with her love for Prince Black, or perhaps just the shower, grabbed the summoning stick and danced around the fire calling upon the Evil Marie. An ear-shattering noise erupted throughout the room, as the Evil Marie appeared through a cloud of odorous smoke, similar to the stench of a dieing tuna. When the smoke cleared Marie turned a condescending glance towards the three and said, "Oh, you... I thought I was done with you." Brittany refused to look at the object of her summoning and so Jessie and Nicole were forced to meet her face to face, eyes ablaze. "Give me my shower!" Jessie squeaked. Marie looked to Nicole for clarification. Nicole, knowing it would come down to her, rolled her eyes at Marie and said, "You call that a miraculous shower?" as she gestured toward the tub. "Squirts water don't it?" Marie muttered. Seeing the fury behind their eyes she saw it would be in her best interest to follow through with her promise of a most marvelous shower. With the wiggle of her nose the hideous tub magically became the shower of their deepest imaginings. Jessie squealed with delight, "It was like yesterday but better!" However, as you might expect when dealing with evil the room decreased significantly in size and the view shifted to a funny angle. Nicole lamented the loss of her view but both Brittany and Jessie skipped around the room singing chants. Marie, annoyed by their delight, shimmered out and the smell of dieing tuna went with her. It was the perfect ending to the perfect all that is left to do is wait... on the men... So that brings us to the current condition of these fair maidens, sitting about a tower waiting for love to find them once more. Will they be alone on Valentine's Day this year or will the men kick it in gear and get there already? Only time will tell.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Driftwood Inn #23

It was a brisk Friday afternoon when a familar sound errupted from my computer. I looked at the screen only to find it flashing a message exclaiming that my long lost sister and cousin would be braving the elements to come to the town of potatos. After working out the tedious details, the trip was planned. All that needed to be done was following through with it. The clock struck 5, and I knew that in 3 hours and 32 minutes, the blood relations would be here. So to busy myself for the long wait, I grabbed my scriptures and attempted at doing my D&C homework so I would be completely and utterly free. One thing led to another, and it was 9:15, the time Daniel and me were to leave Rexburg and meet with the sister and cousin. No homework had been done, no bags were packed, and my phone began buzzing from the brother who was waiting for me to come out. I grabbed what ressembled a bag and threw everything in arms reach into the bag. Of course, the swimsuit was forgotten. I said my good-byes to the apartment, not realizing no one was in there and shut the door to what would be the last time I'd be blonde in room 303. I got in the car and we embarked on the long journey to Idaho Falls. Jokes were told, fake laughter ozzing out of the car doors, and complaints of the weather and distance were discussed, and still we were not even to Rigby. We finally saw the dim lights of the Falls and took exit 309...not 118 nor anything close to it. Off in the distance we saw the flickering lights of a Driftwood Inn Best Western, we turned. There in a snow packed car sat Brittany and Nicole. I stepped out of the car, resembling the take off of an eagle as I went and bought my first motel room. We were to stay in room 23. We anxiously opened the room to discover to large queen sized beds, a t.v., and all the general accomadies of a motel room. It wasn't until we turned on the light to the bathroom that my life bounced into place, and everything made sense to me. One might go as far as to say that my life was complete in that moment. We left the motel and drove around the streets aimlessly for a while, deciding where we should eat. Finally, an apple fell out of the sky so to speak and we went to Applebees. While waiting for our food, Daniel entertained us with his eletrical tape and performed an act of love towards his favorite sister. Not just anyone can scoop the whipped cream off hot cocoa with such grace as he did. Then finally three 7 oz steaks, and a salad, were brought to us. We felt as though we were royalty, with the exception of the salad. We began eatting our 7 ozs of cow until I was informed that my steak was not in fact steak, but that of a puppy. Needless to say, that steak was not finished. After downing the equivilance of a baby hippo and the amount of water it takes to fill a baby pool, we took our leave and headed to Walmart. Along the journey, several legs were crossed in an effort to hold what lied beneath. After what felt like a trip Colorado Springs and back, we reached the dirty streets of Walmart. We hopped out of the car only to find ourselves in a huge puddle of muck. Nice parking, Nicole. We ran into Walmart, well waddled more like only to find an OUT OF ORDER sign on the women's restroom. All hope was lost. We continued to wander the store, not knowing where to go, what to do. Finally, a brave soul asked if and where the other bathrooms are. By the shoes of course! We did our business and continued on our journey...we found ourselves in the hair dye aisle looking for anything that'd darken these golden locks. After grabbing two boxes of medium dark brown dye, we got in line. We bought the goods moments after midnight and began the long drive back to the hotel. After falling asleep on Daniel multiple times, one ending in droll and a face slap, we reached our destination. We said our goodbyes and entered into room 23. We didn't waste any time and began the hair dying process. 20 minutes, 2 magazines, and 2 boxes later, I found myself in the shower. The water began trickling on me resembling that of a waterfall, the cool rock surface beneath my toes, the smell of the tropics ozzing out of the Best Western brand shampoo and the clear encasement of the shower. Had I died? Was this heaven? After spending well over an hour under the majestic falls, I decided all good things must come to an end, if not for me, for my wrinkly skins sake. Rejoining my clan, I discovered that during my absence a "mistake" had taken place. Apparently the last person in our room ordered themselves something and didn't finish it. So, Brittany and Nicole had quite the excitement with that. Since they had become all excited from their little movie, we decided to find out our fates. A marriage to Ricky Butler later we found ourselves yearning for entertainment. But really what can you do at 3 in the morning. We pulled out the good ol' Scategories board and began the game of excitement. 12 rounds later we all zonked out. Suddenly, music errupts from the alarm clock on the nightstand and knocks come from the outside with a mexican accented "housekeeping" "hello? housekeeping". If we don't answer the door, obviously we don't want it. Knock after knock after knock, we finally decided to get up. I had D&C homework to finish in 30 minutes and the others needed all the time they could get for their hair. 54% later, we exited the motel and headed to the mall. Two wrong turns, an authorized vehicle only exit later, we found ourselves back at the motel looking for rings. We found the rings and a glass mug and raced out of the room! Then on our way once again to the mall, we were pulled by fate to a nearby Pizza Hut. Unfortunately, the laziness of a brother kept us from going in and we were at the mall. 2:30, an awkward time for all, we bought dresses, pretzles, proactive, and lotions. We then headed to the bubble where we would soon meet up with Daniel. Realizing along the way, however, I do not know where he lives. We found his street with ease, but passed his house repeatedly. We went in and got the gangly looking fella and headed to Pizza Hut. Minutes upon minutes passed as we waited to be simply seated. Finally, they placed us in a booth and we ordered our drinks. A forgotten soda later, and several minutes more, the waitress finally took our order. Two pizzas. 45 minutes later with anger errupting in everyone's eyes we recieved our pizzas. Never before have I consumed so many pieces in such a short amount of time. It was then that I realized I eat my feelings. After finishing the pizzas and spilling sauce, we exited to the car only to find out that our dear sweet Daniel had in fact robbed the Pizza Hut. A jar of crayons they will never be seeing again. We dropped off the boy and headed back to Idaho Falls. After going in solo this time to get our room, the manager, who was quite good looking might I add, informed me that our reservation did not in fact go through. Fortunately, no one else was staying in the motel that night so it really didn't matter. He gave me the keys to room 37 and sent me on my way. We go to our room and open the doors to the corner room. There was so much room, the view was fantastic and the set up of the room would make an old man cry. Unfortunately, Brittany turned on the light of the bathroom exposing a TUB! Three hearts were shattered that night. Where was the clear encasement, the rock tile flooring, the waterfall shower head?! Had we really ended up in hell already!? Several stomps, pouts, bargains, and tear filled insults later, Brittany called the front desk and asked for a room change. Nicole and I entered into the dark office and approached the front desk to be informed we would be staying in room 26. This is no good. I hesitantly squeaked, "How bout 23." Luckily, Nicole was there to translate that we have a thing for that room and would like to stay there instead. It was in that moment that I, like George Strait, saw God that day. Light seemed to feel the room as the keys to room 23 were handed over. Supressing my excitement till we reached the doors, we headed to room 23. We skipped inside the small, yet adequate room and ran straight to the shower. That is where we would be staying that night. A shower interview later, we found Nicole snoozing on the bed. It was then, that the fun began. I took another glorious shower and we read each other futures and did some tarot readings. Apparently I take no advice and make decisions with little to no thought. Movement was seen from the bed across from us as we climbed into our own to go to sleep. Nicole had awoken, and was no longer tired. We decided that a fairy tale was needing written and began what will soon be my next blog post. We left the motel with another of their cups and went to JBs Diner. 3 french toasts and a stiffing of the waiter later, we bid each other fairwell. However, the fairy tale is still in progress via the phone and will be posted soon. Until then, you stay classy san diego.