In Kindergarten, we learned that every person has one face, two eyes, two ears, one mouth, and one nose. So why are there so many two-faced people walking around? Did they skip class that day or what?! We all know what I am talking about. Those people who say one thing to your face, and do something totally contrary behind your back. The people who act a certain way with you and totally different with everyone else.I think the cause of it is a lack of personality. They don't know who they are, what they are, and how to act with really anyone. I know several people like this. And you never know how to be around them, since they themselves don't know how to be around you. I usually end up being myself, and they try to do the same...they have nothing else to go off of.
I mean, we all are different with others to a certain extent, but these two-facers take it to a whole new level. It's almost as if they have multiple personality disorder. I guess even I could be considered one, what with my different hair colors and all. ;)
I believe in Harvey Dent.... :)
LOL some good points in there for sure!
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