Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Food - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Well today's topic is food. I'm not too sure what I should say about it, which is odd considering my obvious love for it. Hmm...well there's a lot of food out there. Some of it tastes good, most of it bad. I've come to discover over my 19 years of living, that I like cheap food. By cheap food, I mean bagels, cheese sticks, jello, food off the dollar menu at Wendy's, McDonalds, etc. I can't stand it when we go to nice restuarants, I never like anything on it; thus, my default of chicken anything. Preferably chicken fingers. Also, through these 19 years of existence, I've realized I'm a picky eater. Of course, I never realized that until I moved up here to Idaho. Another reason to dislike this potato state with a passion!!

Alright, well enough of me rambling on about my food experiences. What I want to use this blog for today is to bring up the way society views food. Yes, I am an ex-sociology major so I know a bit or two about society and it's effect on us humans. Not to mention that I took a class once in high school! So, food is one of the only things in life we can depend on without fear. Some form of food will always be there for us until the bitter end. With such a dependable friend, why are we not allowed to call upon them whenever WE as an individual want. Why? Well I'll tell you...society is unaccepting of fat people. Now don't get me wrong, I don't encourage eatting to the point where you can't get out of your bed without the help of 3 body builders, two crow bars, and encouraging words from Richard Simmons and our fav oldies tunes. But, I do think we should be accepted by others no matter what we look like. It's people's criticizing viewpoints that they feel the need to share that cause diseases such as anoxeria, manorexia, and bulhemia.

Food is delicious and one of the only things we can indulge in. We don't need society taking one of the only things we can enjoy.


BR!ttany said...

manorexia hehe great.

Nicole said...

that one def. took an interesting turn I was not expecting, and yes you do have interesting preferances when it comes to food